Made In The USA Since 1985

The TrimLine Canopy

The TrimLine Canopy

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StaBars add extra stability to the TrimLine Canopy.

These horizontal bars are our most highly recommended option. Installed on the sturdy and dependable TrimLine canopy, the addition of a StaBar kit takes stability to the next level. Lower StaBars can be set up anywhere along the lower section of the telescoping legs, starting at 4" off the ground. Upper StaBars are available to support display racks, etc.

StaBar, Full Lower Set   $ 135.00
StaBar, Single Lower $ 50.00

StaBar, Full Upper Set   $ 160.00
StaBar, Single Upper   $ 63.00

TrimLine StaBar without walls')}}
TrimLine StaBar without walls')}}

To keep walls from billowing into the booth, lower StaBars can be raised up along the legs (left).

EasyRiser Kits

The EasyRiser Kit facilitates solo set up by allowing you to lift the roof frame from a point of equal balance and prop it up while you install the legs.

for TrimLine with StaBar or Awning
$ 36.00
for TrimLine with DoorWall Frame
$ 17.00
for Standard TrimLine
$ 51.00

easy riser two easy riser two easy riser two easy riser one

1. Raising the front edge of the roof assembly.

2. Installing the front legs with the roof propped on the EasyRiser

3. Lifting and propping the back edge of the canopy

4. Removing the EasyRiser after intalling the rear legs of the canopy