Made In The USA Since 1985

Flourish Company MeshPanel Display Systems

Please Note:Black SoftWalls are Temporarily Unavailable

Standard Features
TrimLine Photo Gallery
TrimLine Canopy Standard Features



































































































Bright lighting and full weather protection inside the spacious TrimLine Canopy. The TrimLine Canopy boasts a wide range of high quality details to ensure that your work is well protected and shown to full advantage in any situation. The most professional canopy on the market!

TrimLine Canopy
MeshPanel & SoftWalls


Panel widths10 ft, 8 ft, 7 ft, 5 ft, 4 ft, 3 ft, and 2 ft
For Wall Heights 7 ft, 8 ft, and 9 ft
Actual Panel Height (top edge to bottom edge, not including straps) 7 ft. panels = 70" / 8 ft. panels = 81" / 9 ft. panels = 93"
Panel Weight - Full set of 3 white MeshPanels 23 pounds
Compact transport Panels fold to 5 ft. length and roll up - one panel packs up at approximately 60" x 6" x 6"
Materials Polyester Mesh, Polyester Fabric; all materials Certified Flame Resistant
Attachment to canopy / frame Aluminum hooks at top, Velcro straps at legs, adjustable buckle straps at bottom edge
StaBars MeshPanels require the use of lower StaBars for installation
Hanging Artwork on mesh S-Hooks slip directly into mesh in any configuration
Artwork Weight Limits Individual pieces up to 15 pounds each, total of as many pieces as will fit per panel

Popular Setup Examples

A 10 x 20 TrimLine at 8 ft. Wall Height makes for an impressive corner booth. Using three 10 ft. wide MeshPanels and two 4 ft. wide French Walls creates an open layout with good traffic patterns, leading clients naturally through the collection.

Set of 3 MeshPanels, 10 ft. wide $ 825.00
French Wall, 4 ft. wide (2 @ $ 342.00) $ 684.00
Total $ 1989.00

Using a pop-up style tent with MeshPanels makes for a quick and easy way to display these large scale paintings. Patrick Sweeney makes the most of his booth space by adding a 4 ft. FrenchWall to a full set of MeshPanels.

Set of 3 MeshPanels, 10 ft. wide $ 765.00
Upper StaBar Kit for pop-up tent $ 170.00
Lower StaBar Kit for pop-up tent $ 165.00
FrenchWall, 4 ft. wide $ 305.00
Total $ 1405.00

Amanda Armistead makes use of two 4 ft. wide FrenchWalls inside her pop-up tent to create an open and inviting display with plenty of wall space.

MeshPanel, 10 ft. wide (2 @ $ 260.00) $ 520.00
FrenchWall (2 @ $ 305.00) $ 610.00
Upper StaBar (2 singles @ $54) $ 144.00
Lower StaBar (2 singles @ $51) $ 144.00
Total $ 1418.00

Christi Hyde creates a beautiful booth with MeshPanels as a background to her display cases. At the back wall, she's added a Convertible MeshPanel and DoorWall Frame to take advantage of storage space behind the booth. When back storage space is not available, she can stretch the back panel to full width for a full-wall look.

MeshPanel, 10 ft. wide (2 @ $ 255.00) $ 510.00
MeshPanel, Convertible $ 280.00
DoorWall Frame $ 85.00
Lower StaBar Kit $ 135.00
Total $ 730.00